How do you make home made cranberry juice? - home made balun for uhf antenna
Does anyone know a good way to make cranberry juice at home? And given where the fresh cranberries?
How do you make home made cranberry juice? - home made balun for uhf antenna
Does anyone know a good way to make cranberry juice at home? And given where the fresh cranberries?
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Cranberry Juice
Boil 4 cups cleaned, washed blueberries and 4 cups water for 15 minutes. Strain through a cloth. Divide the dough into the pot 1 1 / 2 cup of water. Strain again.
Mix 1 / 2 cup sugar with 2 cups of juice each. Mix well and cook for 10 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars and seal.
You can buy fresh cranberries at the store come in bags
Heat the blueberries soften in a bowl with water to Berry, then you use a juicer, juice will be sharp, in combination with apple juice or carbonated water, does not use a teaspoon Sugar Sweet More
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